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Esta medida tem por objetivo a melhoria da eficiência energética das empresas. Estima-se que a execução desta medida conduzirá a uma diminuição do consumo anual de energia elétrica na ordem de 18,9 GWh, equivalente a uma redução de custos de 1.402.380 €/ano.

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PRIME A520M-E - ASUS Brasil

A série ASUS Prime é habilmente projetada para liberar todo o potencial dos processadores AMD e Intel. Apresentando um design de energia robusto, soluções de refrigeração abrangentes e opções de ajuste inteligente, as placas-mãe da série Prime fornecem aos usuários cotidianos e aos montadores de PC DIY uma gama de opções de ajuste de desempenho por meio de …

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Yorahautomotors: 2019

Luís Alberto Alves/Hourpress. Tecnologia MBUX com comando de voz "Hey Mercedes", cockpit digital de 12,3" e tela central de 10,25" sensível ao toque. Exclusivos sistemas de assistência garantem mais dinamismo na condução. Motor V8 biturbo de 476 cv assegura o desempenho tradicional da Mercedes-AMG.

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Blockchain - The Most Trusted Crypto Company

Blockchain is the most popular place to securely buy, store, and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other top cryptocurrencies.

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Cássio Scofield - Tech Lead - PEBMED | LinkedIn

I acted as the tech lead of the technical support bot team at Oi Telecom, one of the 3 squads working on Oi's digital assistant. As a team leader, I had to discuss the prioritization and roadmap of the features with the client, discuss integration patterns with the personnel of Oi's web-service team and solve problems/impediments for the rest of the development team.

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(PDF) Biotecnologia Industrial Vol 2 Willibaldo Schmidell ... is a platform for academics to share research papers.

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Ainda dentro desta perspectiva aplica-se a prerrogativa de que o trabalho, a ciência, a cultura e a tecnologia são dimensões indissociáveis. Machado (2008, p. 17), ao descrever o papel do docente em cursos técnicos, acredita esse ser

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Algorand | The Blockchain for FutureFi | Algorand

Algorand builds technology that accelerates the convergence between decentralized & traditional finance by enabling the simple creation of next generation financial products, protocols, and exchange of value — Including NFTs, stablecoins, payments & more.

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TNW | The heart of tech

TNW takes center stage in the tech industry, offering creative media campaigns, sizzling tech events, bespoke innovation programs, and prime office locations in …

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Hi-Tec Spain

Hi-Tec Spain. SS20 5-5. Find your view. Previous Pause Next. Destacados MENHIR WP Ver. Destacados MUFLON MID WP JR Ver. Destacados ULTRA TERRA Ver. Destacados MUFLON LOW WP Ver. Destacados MUFLON MID WP Ver.

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Blockchain: the solution for supply chain transparency ...

Blockchain: the solution for transparency in product supply chains. Published 21 November 2015. Now, in the hyper-connected and ever evolving world, transparency is the new power. Benjamin Herzberg, Program Lead, Private Sector Engagement for Good Governance at the World Bank Institute. This white paper is by social enterprise Project ...

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ABB Measurement & Analytics - instrumentation and analyzer ...

ABB Measurement & Analytics- Measurement made easy. Our goal is to make instrumentation and analyzer technology, selection, purchasing, installation, operation, and ownership easy.

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Propriedades Papeleiras das `rvores, Madeiras e Fibras ...

tecnologia desenvolvida permite engenheirar as Ærvores na sua genØtica e no manejo das florestas plantadas para se alcançar as qualidades melhores para cada tipo de produto ou processo de fabricaçªo. A melhor forma de se fazer ... esmagamento, fichas, dobras, estouros, furos, quebras, perda de cargas minerais, etc.

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Improve Your English Communication Skills | Coursera

4,397 reviews. This is a course to help you write effective business emails in English. This course is unique because each module will provide tips on writing more professional emails as well as lessons to improve your overall English writing skills. Therefore, you will improve your grammar and vocabulary skills for email writing and also ...

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de impacto móvel de alto desempenho para venda

Piora nos resultados da Oi Móvel pode impactar acordo de venda de … Isso porque o acordo de venda da operadora para o consórcio formado por Vivo, TIM e Claro, por R$ 16,5 bilhões, prevê a manutenção de seu desempenho operacional e financeiro no segmento de ...

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VOCALOID – the modern singing synthesizer

Simply choose your favorite, and the singing/vocal style will be adjusted automatically. A wide variety of styles are available, including lead vocals, background vocals, and robotic vocals. Complete Vocal Editing, with Functions for Making Detailed Adjustments to Vocals. VOCALOID5 includes 11 audio effects in the standard package.

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Softplan | LinkedIn

Softplan | 107,448 followers on LinkedIn. Solutions that make the difference on people's lives. | We work to make public and private business in Brazil more transparent, efficient and agile by ...

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Duke University OIT

Printers and Labs. Get work done with and labs. OIT has dozens of ePrint locations, plus physical and virtual computer labs across campus. Make your next big project amazing with specialty labs like the Co-Lab maker-space …

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Devil May Cry 5 mostra o seu estilo na Steam Deck

Otimizado para um gameplay a 60 frames por segundo, Devil May Cry 5 mantém uma performance constante ao longo do vídeo, sem qualquer quebra na sua qualidade visual.

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Revista hiperbárica edição 1 by Fausto Olini -

Read Revista hiperbárica edição 1 by Fausto Olini on and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!

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HCL Technologies: IT Services, Digital Solutions ...

We deliver innovative technology solutions built around Digital, IoT, Cloud, Automation, Cybersecurity, Analytics, Infrastructure Management and Engineering Services. Visit us today!

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Press and stock exchange releases | Nokia

Nokia and Rally bring broadband connectivity to thousands of multi-dwelling unit residents in Canada. 7 Dec 2021. Nokia readies O-RAN fronthaul with NTT DOCOMO for multi-vendor 5G operation. 7 Dec 2021. Nokia, CityFibre and University of Glasgow show off a 5G holographic call with backhaul over 25G PON.

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(PDF) Learning Organization: recognition of learning and ...

O trabalho descreve as principais ideias de constituir na organização o estado resiliente dos indivíduos e do modus operandi da instituição. O viés está descrito no estado da arte apresentada pelos autores no tópico objetivos. A finalidade da

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Gupy Academy. Compartilhar conhecimento é muito importante pra gente! E como temos um time referência, nada mais justo que dividir o conhecimento deles com o público. A Gupy Academy é gratuita e tem cursos muito legais apresentados pelos nossos Gupiers para quem quiser aprender mais sobre temas relacionados ao RH! Ah!

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